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First city fellowship

You have a place in God's Kingdom and First City Fellowship. Email Pastor John if you like more information.

Prayer focus

Please pray to have softer words and an open mind

when discussing policy or viewpoints.  

We don’t have to agree on everything, but we can disagree with dignity, honor, and respect.

Click the button below if you have a prayer request. 

We'd love the opportunity to join you in praying.

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Praying Hands

Notes from

first city fellowship

Welcome to our weekly Notes from First City Fellowship!  We pray this section is helpful

in keeping you informed on what’s happening here in First City.

With all the talk on “lowering the temperature” of our discussions and “tamping down the rhetoric”, do you ever wonder what that looks like?  How do I do that without being run over or humiliated by someone who’s willing to say whatever they need to say to “win” an argument or discussion?

The truth is, we don’t have to win every discussion and we don’t have to embarrass ourselves trying.  Think about it for a second…….do you really need to convince everyone you talk to that your position or viewpoint is right?  And does using harsh and angry words or tones make your position stronger or more reasonable?  The answer to both questions is “no”.

If we want to see the greatest example of staying calm while speaking truth, we can simply look at how Jesus faced people who hated His teaching so much that they actually screamed for His death and lied about Him to get Him sentenced to death.  It’s an amazing example and an amazing encouragement of how to demonstrate dignified and honorable character.

If you’d like to learn more about the examples Jesus set for us or if you’d like to talk about how you can have more peace in our currently supercharged environment, we’d love to sit down and talk with you about it.  Just message us here or send us an email and we’ll set up a time and place to talk.  We hope to get a chance to see you soon.

Is there something you’d like prayer for, but you aren’t sure how to ask?  Don’t worry about how to ask, just ask……right here on the website.  We’d love to hear from you and pray for you.

quote of the week

“Do you feel more loved when God makes much of you

or do you feel more loved when God, 

at the cost of His Son, 

allows you to make much of Him.”

          ― John Piper