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First city fellowship

You have a place in God's Kingdom and First City Fellowship. Email Pastor John if you like more information.

Prayer focus

Please pray for civility and peace in our conversations about policies, issues, and candidates

as the election season gets more contentious.  

Pray to be the peacemaker and calm voice that helps lower the tensions and divisiveness.

Click the button below if you have a prayer request. 

We'd love the opportunity to join you in praying.

The form offers options for confidentiality.

Praying Hands

Notes from

first city fellowship

Welcome to our weekly Notes from First City Fellowship!  We pray this section is helpful

in keeping you informed on what’s happening here in First City.

We’re excited to resume our weekly Discovery Bible Studies this Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the food court at the Price Chopper on 4th Street. These are low-threat environments – you don’t have to be a Biblical expert to feel like you can contribute.  The studies are discussions where everyone can participate and learn more about God and themselves.  If you have any questions or would just like more information on a Discovery Bible Study before you come out, we totally understand and would be happy to answer any questions you have.  Just drop us a note here on the website or send us an email at info@first

How often do we think about being grateful?  Do we recognize reasons to be thankful as often and as passionately as we recognize reasons to be angry or feel slighted?  It’s an interesting question that probably leads to a sobering answer for a lot of us.

Think about it for a moment.  How many times do we give thanks for a meal, or gas in the car, or a person who helps us when we need it?  Or how about a situation where we really wanted something but didn’t get……and later realized we were lucky we didn’t get what we wanted?  When we sit down and think about it, we have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to show gratitude for.

When we focus on gratitude, we see the blessings and the gifts we have.  When we fall into a season of not appreciating what we have, we never see what we do have.  This affects our entire outlook, attitude, and approach to life.  It makes the difference between having joy and peace rather than having disappointment and sorrow.  This doesn’t mean we never have difficult times but a lack of gratitude can spiral us into a negative life that is hard to get out of. 

If you’d like to talk some more about gratitude and our outlook on what we do and don’t have, we’d love to sit down and talk with you about it.  Just message us here and we’ll set up a time and place to talk.  We hope to get a chance to see you soon!

We had another great morning with our prayer table at the Leavenworth City Market last Saturday.  Lots of great conversations, some really nice times of prayer, and 14 prayer requests made it a great day.  The final City Market of the year will be on Saturday, October 11th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Mark your calendars and come on out – we hope to see you and get a chance to talk with you and pray for you!   

Is there something you’d like prayer for, but you aren’t sure how to ask?  Don’t worry about how to ask, just ask……right here.  We’d love to hear from you and pray for you.

quote of the week

“Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything.”

          ― Billy Graham